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Wednesday Evening Classes

6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

with Rev. Philip May in the Parlor

Prayer features in every one of Paul’s letters, and Paul can teach us how to pray more faithfully, and more deeply. He encourages us to see prayer as an opportunity to grow into greater intimacy with God, and cultivate compassion for one another. Join Philip in the parlor on Wednesdays for a simple potluck supper, and a time to learn about prayer with Paul. We will be following a wonderful book by D.A. Carson, Praying With Paul, available at Amazon. 

C.S. LEWIS: Short Writings, Long Thoughts – New Book: The Great Divorce
with Rev. Frank Fuller in Dobbins Hall Adult Classroom

C.S. Lewis remains the most beloved Christian writer of the 20th century. Many know his longer works like Mere Christianity. This class will read and explore his shorter works, such as The Abolition of Man, to find Lewis’ insights into his changing times and ours.
Beginning April 3, this class will explore a new book – The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. The Great Divorce is a classic Christian allegorical tale about a bus ride from hell to heaven.  An extraordinary meditation upon good and evil.  There are several paperback editions available through Amazon. For the meeting on April 3rd, Fr. Frank will cover the preface and chapters 1-5. For those of you who did not attend this class before Lent, now is the perfect time to join in as we begin this new book!